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Latest mobile testing arrangements in Bridgend county borough

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board has confirmed the latest arrangements for mobile coronavirus testing facilities in Bridgend County Borough.

A walk-in mobile testing facility continues to be available at the Awel-Y-Mor Community Centre in Hutchwns Terrace, Porthcawl (CF36 5TP) between 9am and 6pm daily, with no appointment needed.

Meanwhile a walk-through testing facility remains in place at the Bowls Hall car park off Bridgend Life Centre (Angel Street, Bridgend CF31 4AH). The facility is available 2pm-8pm, seven days a week, and booking is essential.

To arrange an appointment for the testing facility in Bridgend visit the Welsh Government website (External link - Opens in a new tab or window) or call 119. People with hearing or speech difficulties can book an appointment by calling 18001119.

Anyone who develops a new, continuous cough, a high temperature or a change to their sense of smell or taste is urged to book a test immediately.

We know cases of the delta variant are on the rise and we all need to continue to take steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones – this involves maintaining social distancing, wearing face coverings where required and continuing to wash our hands to help minimise the risk of transmission.

Bridgend County Borough Council leader Huw David

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