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Leader welcomes Covid-19 vaccine news

Bridgend County Borough Council’s leader Huw David has welcomed the news that a vaccine for Covid-19 will soon begin to be rolled out.

The first Covid-19 vaccine, created by Pfizer Biontech, has been given the go-ahead and will soon be administered to people across Wales, starting with those aged 80 and over, care home staff and residents, and those working within health and social care.

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has authorised the vaccine as safe and effective on the basis of detailed independent expert review of evidence from large-scale clinical trials.

Pfizer Biontech vaccine needs to be stored at ultra-low temperatures. These centres have already been decided by health boards and are in the process of being stood-up.

As further supplies become available and additional vaccines receive MHRA approval, a staged approach will see other groups be offered the vaccine, based on risk of serious complications and deaths.

Cllr David said: “The approval of the vaccine is some of the best news we’ve had after a really tough year for so many of our residents. The council is currently working with health colleagues to provide suitable vaccination venues across the borough and more news will be released soon.

“Those in the priority groups for the vaccine will receive an invitation from their employer or health board, with details about where to go and what to do on the day of their appointment.

“Residents are urged to wait to be invited - please do not ask your pharmacist or GP. There are plans in place for people who are housebound and for care homes to be vaccinated as soon as safely possible, with the approved vaccine being safely taken to them using a mobile service.

“The effects of the vaccine may not be seen nationally for many months and the advice on keeping Wales safe remains the same for everyone. Keep contacts with other people to a minimum, keep a two-metre distance from others, wash hands regularly, wear a face covering where required and avoid touching surfaces others have touched, wherever possible.”

The vaccine will not be mandatory and people will be able to choose whether they have it or not. Information will be provided to people before vaccination to reassure them about patient safety and robust consent processes will be in place.

For more information, visit Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board’s webpage about the vaccine, which includes answers to frequently asked questions.

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