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Lockdown funding for local businesses

Bridgend County Borough Council has confirmed that local businesses are receiving almost £7.7m in lockdown funding support after Welsh Government provided grant support for traders during the two-week ‘firebreak’ lockdown.

With more than 1861 applications received for non-domestic and discretionary lockdown grants, council staff have been working to process them as quickly and as efficiently as possible within the 30 day limit set by Welsh Government.

I’d like to thank Welsh Government for making this vital funding available, and to acknowledge the huge efforts of council staff in processing each claim. This has been a complicated process and it has been necessary to introduce it in a very short period of time.

With several different funds available, many businesses have submitted duplicate claims, so our staff have had to apply rigid procedures in processing these in order to protect the public purse, keep businesses safe and prevent them from being accused of fraud. At the same time, we are trying to ensure that the claims are processed promptly in order to support local businesses as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Deputy Leader Hywel Williams

You can read more about the funding guidance at the Welsh Government website, and find out what lockdown funding has been made available by visiting the Bridgend County Borough Council business support webpage.

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