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Mobile coronavirus testing facility to stay in Pyle

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board has confirmed that its mobile testing facility for residents who have symptoms of Covid-19 will stay in Pyle until Thursday 15 April.

The drive-through facility at the Halo Swimming Pool on Marshfield Avenue in Pyle (CF33 6RP) is available from 9am-5pm. Booking is essential.

A walk-through testing facility is also available daily between 8am-8pm at the Bowls Hall car park off Bridgend Life Centre (CF31 4AH). Booking for this facility is also essential.

To book an appointment for either facility, visit the Welsh Government website or call 119. If you have hearing or speech difficulties, you can call 18001119.

Anyone who is showing symptoms of coronavirus - a persistent dry cough, high temperature or change in their sense of taste of smell - should immediately self-isolate and arrange to have a test as soon as possible.

An online symptoms checker is available at the NHS 111 Wales website.

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