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New support available for EU nationals

Bridgend County Borough Council is continuing to make a range of support available for EU nationals as part of the UK’s departure from the European Union.

A new webpage has been set up at the council website to offer a one-stop-shop of resources and useful information to help EU nationals who wish to apply to continue to live and work locally.

It includes information in a variety of different languages, links to useful websites and a short animated video which explains how the application process works.

If you are an EU citizen who has made your home here in Bridgend and are contributing to the life of the county borough, we want you and your family to be able to continue to live, work and access services here. In order to do this, you have to make sure that you apply to the EU Settlement Scheme before the deadline of 30 June 2021.

The new webpage also features toolkits designed to support local businesses, details on how third sector organisations can access latest advice and guidance, and updates on related issues – such as how personal data will be handled in future.

Above all, the council and its partners are offering a full range of support to make it easier for EU nationals to continue to live and work in the county borough, so don’t delay – visit the site to find out more about how we are supporting residents, businesses, voluntary groups and local organisations in Bridgend County Borough.”

Council Leader Huw David said

To find out more, visit the Preparing for Brexit page at the council website.

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