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Pandemic restrictions to remain in place

Following a new review of local pandemic restrictions that have been imposed on 15 different areas in Wales, Welsh Government has confirmed that the restrictions are to remain in place within Bridgend County Borough for the time being.

The confirmation has been issued ahead of an expected announcement from the First Minister on whether a new Wales-wide national lockdown will take place later this month.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “The general trend in Wales is a worsening situation, and most areas where local restrictions are in place have reported a seven-day trend where covid-19 cases have increased.

“Working closely with local authorities and public health experts, we have concluded the public health context means we cannot ease restrictions, and they will be in place for at least another seven days.

“There is evidence in all parts of Wales that these restrictions, and the efforts of local people and local services, are making a positive difference.

“Over the last seven days, however, the difference has served to slow down, rather than turn back the virus.

“I continue to be very grateful to the people of Wales for all the efforts they have made and continue to make.”

The people of Bridgend County Borough have made a fantastic effort to help keep our communities safe, and I hope that we will all continue to do so.

Council Leader Huw David

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