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Thousands of ‘shielded’ residents contacted to check for support

Thousands of ‘shielded’ residents in Bridgend county borough have been contacted over the last few weeks to check that they are managing ok during this difficult time.  

Following letters sent to vulnerable residents from Welsh Government advising them to stay at home, staff at Bridgend County Borough Council have been contacting them to check on their wellbeing and signpost them to the right area if they need help with things like shopping deliveries, the collection of prescriptions or simply want to talk to someone via a befriending service.

Over the last couple of months, around 6,000 residents have received a ‘shielding letter’ from Welsh Government.

While some were already known to social services, receiving regular contact from staff, the majority were not.

We have had an amazing response from those we have contacted with many being reassured by the calls.

We just want to make sure people are ok at this uncertain and stressful time.

Staff have done a fantastic job, with some working through weekends and bank holidays to make contact with residents.

The council’s cabinet member for social services Philip White

The council has also sent out letters to residents asking them to contact the local authority if they need any support and help.

If people are not answering their phone the council makes three attempts to contact them. If there is still no answer on the third attempt then the local authority refers that individual to the Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations (BAVO) who will arrange for a volunteer to knock on their door and check that they are ok.

The council is delivering a leaflet to all residents later this month containing important contact numbers for different areas such as safeguarding, general mental health and wellbeing.

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