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Update on Covid-19 cases in Porthcawl

A total of 244 children are continuing to isolate at home following an outbreak of Covid-19 in the Porthcawl area.

Currently 25 pupils at West Park Primary are self-isolating after testing positive for Covid-19. As a result, 219 other pupils and 12 staff are currently self-isolating as close contacts.  Pupils have been receiving online lessons at home.

Residents have been urged to remain alert, and to book a test immediately if they develop a new, continuous cough, a high temperature or a change to their sense of smell or taste.

A walk-in mobile testing facility continues to be available at the Awel-Y-Mor Community Centre in Hutchwns Terrace (CF36 5TP) between 9am and 6pm daily, with no appointment needed.

Bridgend County Borough Council is continuing to work closely with Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and Public Health Wales to monitor the outbreak.

With the bank holiday weekend sure to draw crowds into Porthcawl, it is more important than ever for us all to remain vigilant, and to ensure that we take all necessary precautions to minimise exposure to the coronavirus.

Please follow all guidance, and make sure that you don’t put your friends, neighbours or family at risk.

Council Leader Huw David

Visit the NHS Wales website for more information about Covid-19.

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