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Welsh Government extend Tenancy Hardship Grant due to Covid-19

The Welsh Government have changed the Tenancy Hardship Grant criteria for tenants who have fallen behind on their rent due to Covid-19 between 1 March 2020 and 31 December 2021.

The grant is designed to support tenants who are struggling to pay rent as a result of the pandemic and to help them stay in their homes and prevent them losing their tenancies.

Rent arrears may have been because of a loss of income due to furlough, a reduction in work, increased costs or because they were only able to claim Statutory Sick Pay when ill with Covid-19.

The grant, which is being administered by local authorities, is open to people who are not receiving housing-related benefits or the housing element of Universal Credit. It replaces the Tenancy Saver Loan, which was introduced in October 2020. Anyone who received a loan will have that loan converted to a grant.

The Tenancy Hardship Grant aims to help those in need and save people and families from the trauma of being evicted and made homeless.

If you live in private rented accommodation and have developed rent arrears during the period of 1 March 2020 and 31 December 2021 as a direct result of the pandemic you may be eligible for the grant and we would encourage you to contact us.

We would also urge anyone who is struggling to pay their rent – even if they’re just starting to have difficulties – to contact their landlord or agent and organisations like Citizen’s Advice or Shelter Cymru so they receive the right advice and support.

Bridgend County Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Future Generations Dhanisha Patel

Applications are made through the local authority. To apply to Bridgend County Borough Council, please email Please include ‘THG Support Grant’ as the subject line of your email.

Applicants must have had financial hardship due to the Covid-19 pandemic that meant they have not been able to pay rent. The grant is not available to arrears incurred outside of the dates above or those who have deliberately not paid rent to their landlord or agent.

For more details on the grant and eligibility, visit the Welsh Government website.

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