Registration for Garden Waste Collections 2025/26 are now open - Register online
Privacy statement
Bridgend County Borough Council does not capture or store any personal information about individuals who browse this website, except where you voluntarily choose to give us your personal details via email, an online form, or My Account.
Where you choose to complete any of our online forms the personal information you give us is used, by Bridgend County Borough Council or a third party service provider who is contracted to us, to provide the service(s) you requested.
Bridgend County Borough Council will endeavour to safeguard your information and any disclosures of that information will be in accordance with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. Third party service providers contracted to the Council will be required to conform to the same standards.
You may withdraw your consent at any time.
Bridgend County Borough Council collects and stores only the following information that is automatically recognised: the date and time, the originating IP, the type of browser and operating system used, the URL of the referring page, the object requested, and the completion status of the request. Visitors to our website remain anonymous as none of the data collected is linked to any personal information. The information only allows us to diagnose problems with our server, and assess the popularity of the pages on the website, so that we can continually improve our site.
This site uses bitly links to monitor the usage of specific links - bitly’s privacy policy.
How long we keep personal information
We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as it is needed for the service you have requested, and remove it when that purpose has been met. In the case of an online information service, your personal information is stored until you no longer wish to continue to receive the service.
If you have registered for an account on our websites, you have the option of deleting your account at any time. This will permanently delete your information and you will not be able to recover data. Please note that some information may remain in our logs for a period of time after you delete your account.
Fair processing notice - My Account
My Account is an online service that gives you quick, convenient and reliable access to council services. You can log in, view and pay your council tax bill, apply for housing benefits, set up a direct debit and notify us of any changes to your circumstances.
Information that you give will be collected by Bridgend County Borough Council. Information may be shared with relevant departments within the council, and third party providers contracted by the council. Your personal information will only be used to provide the requested service.
You may withdraw your consent at any time.
View all our privacy notices for services we provide on our data protection page: