The Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) scheme helps people who may need further help with their housing costs. This is only if they are claiming housing benefit, local housing allowance or the housing element of universal credit.
We receive limited funds from the government for the DHP scheme. The amount we can spend on the scheme each year is restricted, and we will not award everyone who claims a DHP.
When making a decision, we review:
- your total income
- whether you have any savings
- whether anyone else in the house can help financially
- whether you have any loans or debts to pay
- whether you could rearrange your finances to help your situation
- whether you or your family have any special circumstances like ill health or disability
- whether you have attempted to remedy the situation yourself
You will be asked for a lot of information and evidence may be required such as bank statements or proof of loans. You may also be asked to call in to discuss your claim in more detail.
Your application will be determined as soon as we have received all the necessary information. Then, you will receive a letter telling you the decision. If we award a DHP, the letter will tell you the amount awarded and for what period.
Apply for DHP
You can apply for a DHP when you have both:
- a current entitlement to housing benefit, or the housing element of universal credit
- a shortfall between the amount of benefit or credit you get and your housing costs