Child employment work permits

Every school-age child working part-time for an employer must be registered with the local authority and have a work-permit.

These rules apply whether children are paid or volunteer and include arrangements where no payment or payment in kind is given, as that is still child employment.

It is the employers’ responsibility to apply for a work permit in order to employ the child.

The employer must run a young person’s risk assessment. It should cover any hazards, and employers must have appropriate insurance cover.

Within seven days of the child starting work, the employer must complete a child employment application form. It must be signed by the employer, the child’s parent/guardian and the head teacher. This application gives the hours, place and type of work, as well as child’s details.

Employers are responsible for being fully aware of the child employment legislation, and that they employ any children legally.

Apply for child employment work permits

Employment permits are specific to the child, employer, place of work, as well as the type and hours of work. If a young person has several jobs, each job will need a permit.

To apply for a child’s work permit, please download the child employment permit application form. Then, return it along with one endorsed, recent passport-sized photo of the child. 

Please return completed applications to:

Address: Pupil Services, Bridgend County Borough Council, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB

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