Play in Bridgend County Borough

All children have the right to play. Our role is to ensure that children living in Bridgend County Borough have the time, space, and permission to access quality play opportunities.

The Welsh Government defines play as behaviour which is: freely chosenpersonally directed and intrinsically motivated and performed for no external goal or reward.

That is, children and young people determine and control the content and intent of their play, by following their own instincts, ideas and interests, in their own way for their own reasons.


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Family day out

Play for ALL

Bridgend County Borough offers many opportunities for ALL children inclusive opportunities for children and young people, training and support to groups looking to be more inclusive, a voice for differently able people and their families and much more.

Children and adult learning through play


Are you passionate about giving children and young people the opportunities to play? Children’s play is a wonderful thing to be a part of, to help facilitate children’s play that leads to developing many life skills is truly magical.

Activity Pod game

Play Sufficiency Assessment

The Welsh Government made it a statutory duty for all councils in Wales to undertake a Play Sufficiency Assessment (PSA) every three years and produce an annual action plan.

Newbridge fields
Play park

Places and Spaces

Bridgend County Borough Council offers amazing places and spaces for children and young people to play, enjoy culture and keep active.

Cycling | Beaches | Playgrounds |  Nature reserves | Noddfa Community Project | Golf | Rest Bay Watersports Centre | Awen Cultural Trust | Halo leisure centres

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