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Play Sufficiency Assessment
Children have a fundamental right to be able to play; it is central to their enjoyment of life and can contribute to their well-being. Play is essential for the growth in children’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional development.
There is much evidence to support this belief and an increasing understanding of play’s contribution not only to children’s lives, but also to the well-being of their families and the wider community.
Since the commencement of the play sufficiency duty on local authorities under the Children and Families measure (2010), Bridgend County Borough Council and our many partners have recognised the value and importance of play.
The value that play opportunities, activities and places or spaces for play bring to our local population and many communities is of significant importance. The aspiration to ensure that Bridgend is a ‘play friendly’ county and that such an aspiration is shared by our many partners and stakeholders is becoming stronger.
What is Play Sufficiency?
In 2010, the Welsh Government made it a statutory duty for all councils in Wales to undertake a Play Sufficiency Assessment (PSA) every three years and produce an annual action plan. They must demonstrate that they have taken into account and assessed the matters set out by Welsh Government.
As well as establishing a baseline of provision, the Play Sufficiency Assessment will enable the following:
- Identification of gaps in information, provision, service delivery and policy implementation
- Support the establishment of evidence to give an indication of distance travelled in relation to play sufficiency
- Highlight potential ways of addressing issues relating to partnership working
- The input and involvement of all partners increasing levels of knowledge and understanding
- A monitoring system which will involve and improve communication between professionals
- The identification of good practice examples
- Increased levels of partnerships in assessing sufficient play opportunities
- The identification of actions for the Securing Play Sufficiency Action Plan which accompanies the Play Sufficiency Assessment