Youth Justice Service
Together we will support children and young people to prevent offending behaviour by enabling them to respond positively to their communities and reach their full potential.
The service works with young people aged 10-17 years old who are either at risk of offending or have offended.
Bridgend Youth Justice Service (BYJS) is a multi-agency team made up of representatives from social services, education, police, probation, health and voluntary agencies.
The Early Intervention and Prevention team seek to reduce the number of young people who are involved in, or at risk of offending.
The purpose of the Youth Bureau is to make a decision on the most appropriate way to deal with an offence.
If you are summoned to attend court, it is advisable to get there early so that you can find out where you need to go.
Reparation is the act or process of making amends and allows a young person to say sorry for the harm that they have caused.
If you need any help or advice, please contact the Youth Justice Service: