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Youth Support
Bridgend Youth Support work with young people aged 11 to 25 years old to develop them personally, socially and educationally through a variety of opportunities. We do this in communities through participatory experiences and offer information, support and guidance to enable young people to reach their unique full potential.
We work with young people in a variety of settings offering both universal and, for those identified as vulnerable, targeted support.
Our youth workers are a nationally qualified and registered workforce.
Children’s rights and the UNCRC is embedded in all the work we do, with regular consultations, and engagement exercises, occurring ensuring young people’s voices are at the centre of our decision making.
Our engagement with young people takes place in youth centres, youth clubs, street based, schools, and local communities.
We also engage in digital spaces, including our online ‘chatbot’ and you can follow our various social media channels (@bcbcys) to find out more.

What's on
Join in on weekly activities, games and drop-in sessions to help combat boredom and isolation.

Online chat

Youth Emotional Health
We provide emotional health, wellbeing and life skills support for young people, aged 11 to 25 living in the county of Bridgend.

Free menstrual products
Find your nearest Period Dignity Pick 'n' Mix stand and subscribe to our FREE period subscription programme.

Housing support
Are you at risk of becoming homeless? We can offer support including family and tenancy support

Education and employment
Support for young people in the county borough including free professional CV, work-related courses and much more!

Your Voice(Opens in a new tab or window)
We value your opinions, especially when ensuring the services we offer meet your needs.

Bridgend Youth Council(Opens in a new tab or window)
This body gives young people a voice in the county borough. It was set up and is run by local young people.

Youth Centres
Join us at the Open Access Youth Centre, the coolest hangout spot for all you amazing young folks aged 11 and above!

Bridgend Youth Matters
Bridgend Youth Matters is a network of local organisations that work together to support children and young people across the county borough.
Their members are a mix of youth clubs, community groups, and services that offer different kinds of help and activities for young people.