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After the successful launch of the Local Energy Market project in South Cornelly 2021, the Low Carbon Communities initiative is entering a new phase investigating the use of locally produced hydrogen for use in farming, local industry, and homes where it can replace some of the natural gas used for heating/cooking.
Like the previous works on solar ventilation and photovoltaics, our new project aims to decarbonise South Cornelly using locally produced renewable energy.
Hydrogen is likely to be a crucial part of our future energy supply, providing low-carbon heat for millions of homes in the UK and meet the UK Government target of net zero emissions by 2050.
This means reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions which come from burning fossil fuels like coal, diesel, and natural gas to power industries, vehicles, and buildings.
To meet UK Government targets, we need to find new, more environmentally friendly sources of energy and hydrogen is one option.

The project’s second phase, now completed, focused on a feasibility/design study identifying the optimal production and distribution methods for the fuel. The goal is to supply the local community with green hydrogen via delivery to local farmers and industries and blending into the existing natural gas network.
The feasibility study determined the best available technologies and practices to produce, store, transport and deliver hydrogen. Engagement with the local community was designed to raise awareness for the project and understand local consumer views.
Moving forward, design, development and construction of the hydrogen facility will be done in consultation with the community, prioritising residents’ needs and concerns. This will be done gradually as we are still in early stages. Ultimately, this project seeks to develop a replicable decarbonisation strategy other communities can follow and learn from. South Cornelly is chosen to pioneer a community-led energy transition.
How it works
Green hydrogen is produced through a process called electrolysis, in which electricity is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. In the case of green hydrogen, the electricity used in this process is generated from renewable sources such as wind or solar power, making the production of hydrogen carbon-neutral and environmentally friendly.
Hydrogen is a well-known alternative fuel to methane gas (natural gas) currently used in homes. It is delivered as a blend with natural gas – 80% methane, 20% hydrogen – via injection into the existing grid. This provides a simple, hassle free renewable heating solution for residents: no renovations are required, and your appliances are already designed for it. Hydrogen also serves as a clean fuel for vehicles such as tractors and can be used for industrial heating applications in boilers or furnaces. We are working with the local farming and industrial community to understand their needs, concerns, and gauge their appetite for this renewable fuel.
This project emphasises the local community’s decarbonisation and prioritises its needs. To this end, we aim to establish a community interest company (CIC) that will govern the project. This CIC will be composed of residents who volunteer to participate and will vote on the project’s main activities. This provides a voice for concerned residents, allowing them to steer the project towards the community’s benefit. Joining the CIC will be completely voluntary, there are no obligations.
The project remains at an early stage, as we continue to learn from previous projects across the UK. We will keep engaging and consulting with the local community, expanding on the concept of the CIC to understand local interest, and address any questions and concerns.
The UK gas industry has a strong safety record, which we believe will improve with the transition to hydrogen. The industry is collaborating closely with the Health and Safety Executive to ensure that the concerns connected with hydrogen for heat are appropriately understood and controlled by the gas networks. Unlike natural gas, hydrogen does not contain carbon, which eliminates the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning caused by aging natural gas appliances.
The United Kingdom already has a track record of using hydrogen to heat homes especially in the 60s and 70s as towns gas contained 50% hydrogen.
However, at this stage a 20% blend is being considered which has been proven to be safe through the HyDeploy project, during which 600+ customers received a 20% blend over a 12-month period.
Using green hydrogen for heating has many potential benefits, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality by replacing fossil fuels. It can also help to increase the reliability and flexibility of renewable energy systems, by providing a way to store excess energy and use it when needed.
Due to the hydrogen gas sharing the same pipeline as the pre-exiting natural gas, minimal disruption will be made at a later date in the installation phase as no new pipelines will need to be laid into your homes. Due to the fact that the Green Hydrogen will be created locally, there will be greater assurance about where your energy is coming from.
With a 20% hydrogen blend, no appliances will need to be changed as they are already currently tested to support up to 23% hydrogen, but a routine gas safety check will be needed to ensure all appliances are compliant, but no changes should be needed.
Additionally, the general operation of a hydrogen boiler works exactly the same as a natural gas boiler, the only difference is that a green hydrogen boiler will not release any carbon into the atmosphere
Of course, in the current phase we are working on the feasibility and design of the project, so no action will be needed on your homes.
Calculating the cost of hydrogen gas at this time in the technology's development is difficult. We do know that it will fall as industry efforts to develop new technology progressively increase.
It always takes time to adapt to new technology. Wind power, for example, was formerly unaffordable, but after years of investment and development, it is now one of the cheapest energy sources in the UK. The same thing is taking place with hydrogen.
We also know that establishing a hydrogen economy right here in the UK will safeguard homeowners from some of the current fluctuations in energy costs because the country will control its supply.
Other than the way it is produced and its environmental impact there will be no major noticeable differences in the way you home is heated.