Related links
- Empty properties
- Homelessness
- Housing adaptations and repairs
- Leasing Scheme Wales
- Pest control
- Waiting Time Calculator
Bridgend County Borough’s four main housing associations use one housing register to allocate social housing. This register is called the Bridgend Common Housing Register.
Anyone can apply for social rented housing.
In general, you must be eligible and in housing need to be added to the register.
You could also be added if you want to live in a low demand area, or if you meet a Local Lettings Policy’s requirements.
The Social Housing Allocation Policy details what counts as housing need on pages eight and nine, and it explains how social rented housing is allocated.
If you don't get added to the common housing register we will give you advice about what other housing options might be available to you. You can also ask us to review our decision.
To register, please visit our housing website to create an account. Applying online means you can see your application status easily.
You will be quickly notified of any information you may need to give us. You can update your contact details online too so we know how to reach you when a property comes up.
Registered before? Re-registering online is easy! The process is automatic, and it’s easier for applicants to respond to us. Re-registering regularly is important as it ensures you get the right priority for your current housing needs.
For people who can’t use the internet, interviews in person or over the phone are still available.
People are often surprised at how few properties housing associations have available to let, and how long the waiting list is. The terms explain how the calculator works, and you will need to agree to them before using it.
The waiting time calculator can tell you:
Unfortunately we cannot offer everyone a home through the housing register. There is a shortage of social housing and we must allocate it according to need.
There are many other options if you are looking for affordable housing. You could try: