Flood support

Information on who you should contact to report flooding.

During a major flood event the emergency services are the main responders to flooding.

We will work with them to assist evacuations and provide emergency accommodation and other social services.


We hold sandbags, and we will try to provide them where they can limit the effects of flooding. If there is a major event, it may not be possible to meet all requests, and so we cannot guarantee sandbags will be provided to all properties. To request sandbags, please contact us:

Public drains and flooded roads

The council has an oversight role for flood risk from ordinary watercourses, surface water run-off and groundwater. If there is a blocked drain or flooded road, please contact us:

Floods from sewers or burst mains

Dŵr Cymru oversee the flood risk from public sewers and water mains. There is information on reporting and dealing with this kind of flooding on Dŵr Cymru’s website.

Preventing floods

Preventing flooding on private property is the owner’s responsibility. However, if there is flooding we will try to help. If there is a major flood, we will try to protect and help the most vulnerable people and infrastructure first.

Flooding is a natural occurrence. No drainage system or flood protection measures can give absolute protection from flooding.

If you are concerned about flooding, the National Flood Forum may be able to help you.

Floods from rivers or the sea

Natural Resources Wales oversee the flood risk from the main rivers and the sea. You can find out about the risk of flooding from rivers and the sea on the Natural Resources Wales website:

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