Fairy Doors

These little fairy doors can be spotted all over the woodland area. They can be used to inspire stories, create fantasy and expand imaginations.

The Fairy Doors are part of the Frog Pond Wood sculpture trail.

Fairy doors

Sculpture trail created by Ami Marsden and Nigel Simpson


Go on a hunt for the smallest things you can find around you to create a little seasonal gift / offering for the fairies.

Let nature inspire you whatever time of the year it is. 

Fairy doors artwork


  1. In winter, maybe a little meal for the fairies of found holly berries on a leaf would be fun. You could find any kind of seeds/berries and put them on some found leaves as a little plate. But make sure you don’t eat it! 

  2. In spring how about a display of dandelion clock seeds in an acorn cup.

  3. In summer maybe the fairies would like a mini bouquet of found wild flowers and leaves.

  4. In autumn how about a creative drawing laid in front of one of the fairy doors made from any sticks, leaves or anything else you can find in nature.

The fairies are very shy, so you could give the door a little knock and whisper to let them know what you have left them, and check next time you visit to see if they have taken your gift. 

Dandelion artwork
Artwork by Beth Marsden
Fairy artwork

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