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Magical Doorway
Use this beautiful entranceway to generate storytelling and role play.
The Magical Doorway is part of the Frog Pond Wood sculpture trail.

Sculpture trail created by Ami Marsden and Nigel Simpson
Find objects from the woodland around you.
Look at them closely and have a think about how they feel, look, or smell. Think of all the things that the items could be, if they were not what they are.
For example, you may find a leaf, but if it weren’t a leaf could it be a boat for a fairy, or is it the same shape as an animal footprint, or a quill for writing stories?
Can you think of your own story using the items you found? Share your story with your friend.

Artwork by Beth Marsden
- Walking through this entranceway could be a magical portal to another world. Or give you magical powers when you walk through. What magical powers would you like to have?
- How about creating a little bug hotel in the gaps, by finding sticks, grass and leaves to lay down for bugs to have a place to hide.

Artwork by Beth Marsden