Conservation and design

Bridgend County Borough has a wealth of diverse historic buildings, towns, archaeology and landscapes. These heritage assets have contributed to growth and evolution over many centuries.

Bridgend County Borough’s historic assets include:

  • 373 listed buildings and structures
  • 60 scheduled ancient monuments
  • 16 conservation areas
  • five historic parks and gardens
  • 525 buildings on the draft local list
  • sites or areas of archaeological significance
  • one historic landscape of outstanding historic interest in Wales
  • one historic landscape of special historic interest in Wales, plus one on the county boundary.

Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023

The Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023 sets out the most recent legislation for the management of heritage assets.

National policy and guidance is available to support local planning authorities, developers, building owners, occupiers and agents. This is to inform both the development of proposals and the management of change.

Bridgend County Borough Council as the Local Planning Authority has statutory duties in relation to the management and protection of the historic environment. The role of the Conservation and Design Team is to:

  • protect and enhance the county borough’s historic assets
  • raise standards in design quality across the county borough
  • increase public awareness, knowledge and enjoyment of the historic environment

Advice and guidance is available on all aspects of repair, reinstatement and adaptation proposals which affect any of the historic assets. This includes listed buildings, archaeology and conservation areas.

Pre-application advice

Pre-application advice is strongly recommended for any planned works.

This will confirm what statutory permissions will be required and consider materials, methods and designs.

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