Development advice: species and habitats
Development advice on different plant and animal species and their habitats.
Get advice on development planning at a site with or near to badger setts.
Read the planning advice about bats and major developments.
Read guidance for building on habitats for birds.
Download key files and access important pages about green development.
Advice and guidance for developing land which may have dormice.
Read our advice on what survey work we expect to accompany applications.
Read the advice for any developments affecting great crested newts or their habitats.
There are many non-native species in the UK, but only a fraction are invasive. Read the planning advice for dealing with invasive species.
Read the development advice for building on a site which may have otters.
Get advice on planning developments around priority habitats, while protecting or improving their environmental value.
See the advice for building developments where there may be reptiles and amphibians.
Guidance for developing areas with trees, and related habitats.
See the planning advice for clearing vegetation.