Contacts and resources
View and download key files and information about green development.
- Badgers Guidelines for Developers
- Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) Review Citations
- Biodiversity and Development, a GI Approach
- Householder Development SPG
- Farm Building Conversions
- Residential Development
Under the Town and Country Planning System, planning decisions have to consider SINC sites.
These are all found in the ‘Written Statement’ pdf on the ‘Bridgend Local Development Plan adoption documents’ page.
- Strategic Policy SP2 Design and Sustainable Place Making
- Strategic Policy SP4 Conservation and Enhancement of the Natural Environment
- Strategic Policy SP5 Conservation of the Built and Historic Environment
- Strategic Policy SP14 Infrastructure
- Policy PLA4 Climate Change and Peak Oil
- Policy PLA7 Transportation Proposals 6
- Policy ENV3 Special Landscape Areas
- Policy ENV4 Local/Regional Nature Conservation Sites
- Policy ENV5 Green Infrastructure
- Policy ENV6 Nature Conservation
- Policy ENV7 Natural Resource Protection and Public Health
- COM11 to COM13 Recreation Policies
- COM14 Provision of Allotments and Community Food Networks
Useful contacts
Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
01202 391319
Association of Local Government Ecologists
Barn Owl Trust
Website: The Barn Owl Trust's website
Countryside Team, Bridgend County Borough Council
01656 643 643
Email Address:
Planning Department, Bridgend County Borough Council
01656 643 643
Email Address:
Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM)
01962 868626
Natural Resources Wales (Species Protection Section)
0845 1306229
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01767 680551
Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)
020 7929 9494
South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre (SEWBReC)
029 2064 1110
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales
01656 724100