We offer a chargeable trade/commercial waste collection service to businesses within Bridgend County Borough.
Businesses can use any reputable waste collection contractor to dispose of their waste.
Trade waste is waste that comes from:
- trade and business premises
- sites used for sport, recreation or entertainment
We provide a range of containers to help businesses store their waste between collections, including:
- 360 litre wheeled bin
- 660 litre wheeled bin
- 1100 litre wheeled bin
- trade waste sacks
The container you will receive depends on the amount of waste being produced and number of waste collections per week.
Register for trade/commercial waste collections
To find out more about our trade waste collection service or to arrange a collection for your business, please contact:
Businesses’ duty of care
Businesses have certain responsibilities when disposing of trade waste.
The collection of waste and recycling from a business premise is not covered by business rates. Businesses are legally responsible for the management of all waste produced by the premise and waste must be secured safely.
The duty of care was introduced under section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. It applies to any business that produces, carries, stores or disposes of waste. Under the legislation, businesses must:
- arrange the disposal of waste via an authorised waste management organisation, for example a registered waste carrier or a licenced waste collection company
- prevent the escape of waste by storing it securely
The business must hold appropriate paperwork to demonstrate that they comply with this. If they do not, they could be liable for a fine of £5000 in a Magistrates Court. This can be avoided by the business paying a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) of £300.
To avoid a fine, the business must keep copies of:
- waste transfer notes, and/or
- a copy of the waste carrier’s licence of its waste collector for a minimum of two years
We expect any business we are dealing with to provide evidence of six months of documents.
The Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) for the unsafe containment of waste is £100.