School catchment areas
Catchment area information for schools across Bridgend County Borough.
Please note: There are no catchment areas for the Welsh-medium or faith schools in the county borough.
Search for primary schools
Enter your postcode and house number to search for primary schools within your catchment area:
Search for secondary schools
Enter your postcode and house number to search for secondary schools within your catchment area:
Welsh-medium schools
There are no catchment areas for the Welsh-medium schools in Bridgend.
A parent/carer can make an application for a place for their child at any Welsh-medium school within the county. However, if a parent/carer chooses to apply for place at a Welsh-medium school that is not the nearest Welsh-medium school to the child’s home residence, and that application is successful, there is no entitlement to free home-to-school transport to that requested school.
Eligibility for school transport only applies where the child’s home residence is more than two miles walking distance from the nearest Welsh-medium primary school or three miles walking distance from the nearest Welsh-medium secondary school.
Faith schools
There are no catchment areas for the faith schools in Bridgend.
A parent/carer can make an application for a place for their child at any faith school within the county. However, parents/carers should note that the local authority only handles school admission applications to Pen y Fai Church in Wales Primary School. All other faith schools in Bridgend process their own admissions.
If a parent/carer choses to apply for a faith school that is not the nearest suitable faith school, and that application is successful, there is no entitlement to free home-to-school transport to that requested school.
Eligibility for school transport only applies where the child’s home residence is more than two miles walking distance from the nearest suitable primary faith school or three miles walking distance from the nearest suitable secondary faith school.
If you have any questions regarding catchment areas, please email: