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School budget forum
The forum is made up of school representatives and non-school representatives. The school representatives include:
- head teachers
- governors
The non-school representatives include:
- local authority officers
- trade union representatives
- councillors
The total number of non-school representatives must not exceed 25% of the total membership of the forum.
The Bridgend School Budget Forum meets at least three times a year or once a term. They usually meet in line with the timetable for setting the council’s budget and the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
The forum considers and comments on consultations regarding:
- proposed changes to the schools’ funding formula and their financial effect
- proposed contract terms for supplies or services to schools
- arrangements for educating pupils with statements of special educational need
- arrangements for the use of pupil referral units and educating children not at school
- arrangements for early years education
- arrangements for insurance
- prospective changes to the financing of schools scheme
- administrative arrangements for the allocation of central government grants
- arrangements for free school meals
Hannah Castle, Chair of School Budget Forum
01656 740294
Email Address:
Jonathan Lewis, Vice-Chair of School Budget Forum
01656 754990
Email Address:
Judith Tutssel, Secretary of School Budget Forum
01656 642630
Email Address: