Emergency Planning

While major emergencies rarely happen, it’s crucial that the council is prepared to respond effectively when they do in order to support our communities to cope with and recover from what’s happened.

The Emergency Planning Service is responsible for supporting the rest of the council to fulfil its legal duties under the Civil Contingencies Act (2004) by:

  • Assessing local risks so we know what to plan for.
  • Writing and maintaining emergency plans.
  • Making sure we have plans in place so that we can continue to provide essential services during an emergency.
  • Provide advice to local businesses to help them keep their business running during disruptive events.
  • Communicating with the public by warning and informing them about potential emergencies and letting them know what they can do at home to prepare.
  • Working closely with partner agencies such as Emergency and Health Services and sharing relevant information with them about the risks we face throughout the County Borough.

We also provide on call cover 24 hours a day and co-ordinate the council’s initial response.

In addition to the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 by we are also guided by the following specific statutory regulations in discharging our duties:

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