Corporate Self-Assessment

Every year, we must publish a self-assessment report.

The report assures Welsh Government that we are performing well, making decisions in a sensible, open way and using our money and other resources properly.

Most importantly, the report tells local residents, businesses and stakeholders how we are doing.

This self-assessment report covers the period 6 April 2023 to 5 April 2024. It sets out:

  • What we have done to address last year’s areas for improvement
  • How we have performed against our promises in our Corporate Plan – with judgements against our seven wellbeing objectives and information on our projects and our performance indicators
  • How we are using our resources, including finances, workforce, land and buildings
  • Our governance, decision making and how we collect and use the views of others (including our staff partners, regulators and the public).
Corporate Self-assessment cover

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