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Welcome to Bridgend County Borough Council’s media centre. These pages feature latest news from the county borough, and you can also keep up to date by following us on social media.

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Covid-19 update 15 05 2020

As the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic continues, Bridgend County Borough Council is continuing to focus its resources on providing essential services and protecting vulnerable residents.

Bridgend Sports Support Grant Funding Deadline

Sports clubs in Bridgend county borough have until Friday, May 15 to apply for grants of up to £1,000 to help them with day-to-day operating costs during the coronavirus pandemic.

Covid-19 update 13 05 2020

As the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic continues, Bridgend County Borough Council is continuing to focus its resources on providing essential services and protecting vulnerable residents.

Council highlights vital contribution of foster families

Every day foster families across Bridgend County Borough are providing fostered children and young people with a safe, loving and stable home. This commitment from foster families is more important than ever during the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak.

Covid-19 update 11 05 2020

As the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic continues, Bridgend County Borough Council is continuing to focus its resources on providing essential services and protecting vulnerable residents.

Update on school reopening plans

Bridgend County Borough Council has welcomed the recent Welsh Government announcement that plans are under development for the re-opening of schools in Wales, and that they will be carried out in phases.

Wildlife and wildflowers to look out for in May

Bridgend County Borough Council’s countryside management officer is encouraging residents to look out for a number of wildflowers and wildlife during the month of May.

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