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Welcome to Bridgend County Borough Council’s media centre. These pages feature latest news from the county borough, and you can also keep up to date by following us on social media.

Business rate applications hit half-way mark

Almost half of all eligible businesses in Bridgend County Borough have responded to a council letter advising them that they may benefit from business rate relief.

Have your say on sports pitches and pavilions

With just three weeks left to go before the consultation deadline (10 July), Bridgend County Borough Council is urging people to have their say on the future of sports fields, pavilions, grass cutting and play grounds.

Views wanted on new Licensing Policy

Bridgend County Borough Council is updating its Licensing Policy for 2019-2024 and is inviting views on its aims, proposals and priorities.

Chorus of approval for carers’ choir

A choir set up specifically for carers in Bridgend County Borough has marked Carers Week (10 – 16 June) by releasing its first original song!

Council announces fresh funding opportunities

Following the recent announcement that the Ford Engine Plant is planning to close in 2020, a high-level meeting of local business leaders and employers is being organised by Bridgend County Borough Council.

Show your bottle for reducing plastic pollution

Businesses and residents across Bridgend County Borough are being urged to show that they have the bottle to help reduce plastic pollution by supporting National Refill Day on Wednesday 19 June.

Recycle your old clothes

If you’re revamping your wardrobe for a fresh new look this summer, avoid the fashion faux pas of binning your old clothes – recycle them instead!

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