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Council tax discounts

Single person discount

If only one adult lives in a property, a discount of 25% can be awarded.

If you are eligible but have not received a discount, please apply though the above button.

People who may be disregarded for council tax

The below categories of people may be disregarded for council tax purposes. A discount of 25% or 50% may be available for:

  • full-time students, student nurses, youth training trainees and apprentices
  • residential hospital patients
  • people being looked after in care homes
  • severely mentally impaired people
  • people staying in certain hostels or night shelters
  • 18 and 19 year olds who are at or who have just left school
  • low paid care workers who are usually employed by a charity
  • people in prison
  • members of religious communities, which means monks or nuns
  • people caring for someone with a disability who is not a spouse, partner, or son or daughter under 18

Discount for severe mental impairment

Someone with a severe mental impairment living alone or only with others who have severe mental impairments can claim a 100% council tax reduction. If they live with another person without a severe mental impairment, that household can claim a 25% council tax discount. However if someone who is severely mental impaired lives with two or more adults who are not, there is no discount.

This discount can be backdated to the date of diagnosis, as confirmed by the doctor and receipt of entitlement to qualifying benefits.

Eligibility for the severe mental impairment discount

To claim the severe mental impairment discount, someone needs to be:

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