Housing adaptations and repairs

Thousands of privately owned properties across the county borough need repairs and improvements to bring them up to current living standards. We administer several grants to help with this.

We use the Private Sector Housing Renewal Policy to help us decide how to award these grants. The policy prioritises elderly and vulnerable residents and focuses on disadvantaged areas.


The following grants are available, subject to certain conditions:

This is a means tested grant to help pay for adapting a property for a disabled person. Owners, occupiers and tenants can all apply for the grant. Properties can include mobile homes and house boats.

The applicant may need to pay towards the works themselves. The amount, if any, will be decided by means testing.

The adaptations that the grant pays for must meet the specific needs of the disabled person. Our occupational therapists will help to confirm what these needs are.

To request an occupational therapist assessment for an adaptation or for a Disabled Facilities Grant, please contact:

Telephone: 01656 642279

This is a discretionary grant to cover the cost of fees for works approved under a disabled facilities grant that exceed that mandatory limit of £36,000. It applies to grant offers made on or after the adoption of this policy.

This grant will only be awarded when it can be proved that without it, there would be a loss of independence, and a need for social care support which would cost more than the grant.

It can only be awarded when the occupational therapist has agreed that reducing the works or moving to a more suitable property is not a better option.

The use of the grant is limited to professional and ancillary fees.

To request an occupational therapist assessment for an adaptation or for a Disabled Facilities Grant, please contact:

Telephone: 01656 642279

This is a discretionary grant aimed at helping disabled people to move house if this is more cost effective than a disabled facilities grant.

It can help with the cost of moving home and providing minor adaptations. This grant is means tested.

This grant can help a disabled person to move to a property that can be more easily adapted, or to an property that already has been.

It can also help existing social tenants who live in an adapted property and don’t need to, to move and make their property available for a disabled person.

This provides help for small scale repairs or to prevent a serious health or safety hazard, such as trips or falls.

It provides help to make properties safe for those most vulnerable in the community.

The grant is for owner-occupiers who are Bridgend Care and Repair clients. 

The works are completed by Bridgend Care and Repair, or their agent.

This grant provides help for owner-occupiers to make small scale works to a property when they are vulnerable and aren’t able to organise the works themselves.

This grant is for minor repair work for owner-occupiers who are Bridgend Care and Repair clients.

 The works are undertaken by Bridgend Care and Repair, or their agent.

This grant helps to bring empty properties back into use and increases the supply of much needed affordable rented homes.

We will assess what works are needed to bring a property back into use.

Works must not have started before the application is approved, and must be completed within six months of the grant being approved.

Empty property loans are available through the Welsh Government’s Houses into Homes scheme.

We will work alongside the owner to confirm what work is needed to bring a property back into use.

A schedule of works will be agreed before any offer of a loan and will be part of the loan conditions. Works must not have started before the schedule of works is issued, and must start and finish within the timescales set out in the loan agreement.

Bridgend group repair schemes are for the repair and refurbishment of a group of properties.

Only properties in a declared renewal area may be included in a group repair scheme.

This grant encourages town centre living in the county borough.

It helps tackle empty space in Bridgend town centre and increases affordable accommodation. Priority is given to properties in the townscape heritage initiative area, but key buildings in the wider town centre area may also be considered.

An application will only be considered if the property is suitable for letting out according to our conditions.

We will assess what works are needed to bring a property back into use. Works must not have started before the application is approved, but must be started within six months and completed within 12 months of the grant being approved.

This grant can be combined with other grants.

The purpose of this grant is to help with the cost of ‘target hardening’ properties to enable a person experiencing domestic abuse or domestic violence to remain in their home and help to prevent the perpetrator accessing the property.

Target hardening can be an effective way for victims and their children who are able to remain in their homes, to stay safe and continue to receive support from their local network of family and friends.

The grant will be available to any person who has experienced or is experiencing domestic abuse and has been referred for target hardening through the One Stop Domestic Abuse Service or the local Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator.

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