Dangerous structures

Under the Building Act 1984 we have the power to deal with dangerous buildings, structures or parts of buildings or structures. We deal with all dangerous structures as a priority.

We will inspect the situation and if the building or structure is imminently dangerous we will take all reasonable steps to contact the owner and give them the chance to have the danger removed themselves.

If this is not possible or they cannot be found we will undertake the work, which may comprise securing the area or partial or complete demolition. If we undertake the work, we can recover all reasonable costs from the owner.

If the danger is not imminent, we may request an order from a Magistrates Court that requires the owner to carry out all works necessary to remove the danger.


If you need to tell us about a dangerous building, please contact:

Address: Building Control, Bridgend County Borough Council, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB
Telephone: 01656 643408

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