Registration for Garden Waste Collections 2025/26 are now open - Register online
Candidate Site Register
As part of the pre-deposit stage of preparation, land-owners, developers and the public were asked to nominate ‘Candidate Sites’ for consideration for inclusion within the Bridgend Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP).
The period for the submission of sites was from 14 September 2018 to 9 November 2018.
The purpose for asking for the nomination of sites was to ensure that, if land for development is allocated in the Plan, realistic and deliverable sites are available for potential development within the Plan period (up to 2033).
The Candidate Site Register does not imply any preference of the Local Planning Authority regarding the merits of any particular site it contains. This Register is not a public consultation document; merely a statement of fact of the sites which were submitted at the pre-deposit stage of RLDP preparation. All Candidate Sites submitted were subject to a Candidate Site Assessment to inform the final suite of allocations in the adopted RLDP.
This site register is not a consultation document but is available for public inspection online:
It is also available for public inspection at:
- the Civic Offices in Bridgend during normal office hours
- any library within the county borough