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Pre-Deposit Replacement LDP (Preferred Strategy)
The Preferred Strategy was the first statutory consultation stage in the RLDP preparation process.
It set out the broad approach to the scale and location of growth to ensure development could be planned in a sustainable manner. It provided the strategic framework for more detailed policies, proposals and specific land use allocations, which were subsequently included in the Deposit LDP.
The Preferred Strategy consultation ran from 30 September 2019 to 8 November 2019.
The consultation received 70 formal representations.
The Council published an Initial Consultation Report after the consultation closed. This identified the bodies involved, notified or consulted at the Pre-Deposit Stage, including sites, the main issues raised and how they influenced the Deposit RLDP. It also included a general summary of comments, the Local Planning Authority’s response and steps taken to publicise plan preparation in accordance with the Community Involvement Scheme.