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Replacement Delivery Agreement
Bridgend County Borough Council has produced a Delivery Agreement.
Preparation of a delivery agreement is a key requirement in preparing the Replacement Local Development Plan. This document provides details of:
- the various stages involved in the process
- the time these processes are likely to take
- the resources that the council will commit to preparing the plan
- the way in which the council proposes to involve the local community and other stakeholders in the preparation of the Replacement LDP.
The Delivery Agreement was subject to a four week targeted key stakeholder consultation from Monday 30 April 2018 until 5pm Friday 25 May 2018.
A summary of the key issues raised from the consultation responses can be viewed at Appendix 3 of the final Delivery Agreement. The Delivery Agreement for the Replacement Bridgend Local Development Plan was agreed by Welsh Government on 25 June 2018.
On 13 March 2024, Bridgend County Borough Council adopted the Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) 2018-2033 for Bridgend County Borough.
For further information please contact the Development Planning team: