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Call for candidate sites submissions
This consultation is now closed.
Bridgend County Borough Council is preparing a Replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) for the County Borough.
The next stage in the LDP process involves work on preparing pre-deposit proposals.
The first stage is to ask developers, land-owners and the public to nominate candidate sites for potential allocation in the emerging LDP.
This could be for any land use including:
- residential
- employment
- retailing
- public
- open space
- minerals development
- waste developments
- community use
- tourism
There is no guarantee that sites suggested at this stage will be taken forward, however their submission will enable the council to assess the availability of sites when formulating a plan vision and subsequent strategic options for development across the county borough.
The Candidate Site Assessment Questionnaire is an important part of this process and has been designed to ensure integration between the Sustainability Appraisal and the site selection process. The questionnaire will help ensure that interested parties include sufficient information and data to allow the local planning authority to make a robust assessment. A guidance note has been prepared to assist you in this process.
If you would like to nominate a site for consideration, a plan outlining the site with an Ordnance Survey base should be submitted together with the assessment questionnaire. Copies of the Candidate Site Questionnaire and guidance notes are available from the Civic Offices in Bridgend during normal office hours and at any library within the county borough.
Any sites submitted without a completed assessment questionnaire form will not be considered.
The deadline for return of plans and forms is 5pm 9 November 2018 although earlier submissions than this date would be appreciated.
Officers from the Development Planning team are able to help in the completion of the questionnaire if required.
Please note that the information provided cannot be treated as confidential and all candidate sites submitted will be available for public inspection.