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Matters Arising Changes consultation
This consultation is now closed.
Following the Hearing Sessions held as part of the public examination into the Bridgend LDP, Bridgend County Borough Council is undertaking consultation on the Matters Arising Changes (MACs).
The hearing sessions were conducted by Nicola Gulley Planning Inspector, appointed by the Welsh Ministers. Arising from these hearing sessions were a series of draft Matters Arising Changes.
The MACs have been agreed with the Inspector and these changes are required to make the Plan sound.
The Schedule of MACs and supporting documents can be viewed at the Civic Offices during normal opening hours and libraries during normal opening hours.
The MACs consultation documents comprise the following:
The MACs should be read in conjunction with the following documents:
- Updated Hearing Session Action points
- The Deposit LDP written statement
- The Deposit LDP Proposals maps
The Schedule of MACs are changes of substance affecting the implementation of the Plan such as a policy wording, explanatory text or proposals maps.
The minor editing changes (MECs) which do not affect the substance of the Plan are presented for information only and representations are not invited.
It should be stressed that representations at this stage of the Plan’s examination should relate only to the MACs and must not seek to add to previous representations nor to submit new objections to the Plan.
Each representation must specify the MAC or supporting document to which it relates and set out clearly whether the MAC is supported or objected to, and be accompanied by appropriate explanation and reasoning, including how the Plan should be changed to make it sound.
Have your say
The consultation on the MACs is for a 6-week period. The consultation period commences 31 July and ends on 11 September 2023.
Representations may be made by the following methods:
- By downloading the Representation Form and emailing the completed form to: or posting to the address below
- By writing to Strategic Planning, Bridgend County Borough Council, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB
Duly made representations on the MACs will be forwarded to the Inspector for their consideration. This will inform the Inspector in the completion of their written Report into the Examination of the Deposit LDP.
Representations and representor names will be published but further personal information will be redacted.
Any queries regarding this consultation should be directed to:
Any queries relating to the Examination of the LDP should be directed to: