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Claim, re-grade or delete a right of way

The Welsh Government has introduced emergency regulations that require local authorities to close footpaths and other rights of way where use poses a high risk to the spread of coronavirus.

Ewenny Moors Footpath (Footpath 10 Bridgend) has been closed due to the width of the footpath. It is not possible for the public to comply with coronavirus social distancing measures when using this section of the public footpath.

General Coronavirus advice

All other public rights of way without temporary closure orders remain open in Bridgend County Borough. You should practice social distancing and use local routes rather than travelling to the countryside unnecessarily.

Many footpaths and bridleways cross private land, working farms and, occasionally, are close to private homes. Please stick to the paths, and keep your distance from landowners. Continue to follow the restrictions and measures in place to protect you and others.

Our stance will stay under review. It may change if areas are found where people gather and ignore the government’s measures.

Rights of way

A right of way is claimed, re-graded or deleted with a Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO). Anyone can apply for one, and claims are based either on usage or documentary evidence.

Criteria for claiming a right of way

A successful claim with a DMMO shows that the public have used a way:

  • as of right, without needing permission
  • for 20 or more years
  • without interruption

Those 20 years are counted back from the date when the public’s right to use the way was brought into question.

Less often, a way can be presumed to exist under common law. With such cases, there would be:

  • no evidence of acts that bring a right of way into question, like an obstruction on a way which is being claimed
  • fewer than 20 years’ evidence of use

With the latter, a claim under common law might be made, as it would not be possible to use a DMMO.

How to dispute a claimed right of way

Landowners can rebut a claim if:

  • they can show a lack of intent to dedicate the land
  • steps were taken to prevent the accrual of public rights

One of the steps that can be taken is to deposit a declaration. Steps for depositing a declaration are given in Section 31 (6) of the Highways Act 1980.

View the register of declarations deposited

We keep a searchable register of declarations deposited.

Search the Register of Declarations Deposited.

View the register of DMMO applications

The register of DMMO applications contains all applications made on or after 1 July 2006. Also, it notes earlier applications which had not concluded by that date.

Search the register of DMMO applications here.

Considerations before applying for a DMMO

The DMMO process is complex and very time consuming. So before applying, potential applicants should speak to an officer in the Rights of Way Section.

Every applicant will need to submit two forms to us. Another form will go to the landowner. If an application is based solely on testimonials as opposed to historical proof, they will also have to submit several ‘user evidence forms’. We would expect at least six forms to be submitted.

Apply for a DMMO

You can make a DMMO with the following forms:

Contact details for the Rights of Way Section

You can contact the Rights of Way Section to resolve all queries regarding rights of way.


Rights of Way Section

Bridgend County Borough Council
Telephone: 01656 642537
Address: Street Scene Communities Directorate, Waterton Depot, Waterton Road, Bridgend, CF31 3YP.

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