Blue badges

A Blue Badge makes it easier for people with walking difficulties, cognitive impairment or other mobility problems to park closer to their destination.

The applicant can be a driver or passenger.

In Wales, there is currently no charge for an individual application. However a charge of £10 can be made for replacement or organisational badges.

Eligibility criteria

You can automatically qualify for a Blue Badge if you:

  • receive the higher rate mobility component of disability living allowance, which is not attendance allowance or the care component of disability living allowance
  • receive Personal Independence Payments (PIP) and score 12 points for planning and following a journey or score 8 points for moving around
  • are registered blind (Severely Sight Impaired)
  • receive a war pensioner’s mobility supplement
  • have received a lump sum benefit from the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces Compensation Scheme (within tariff levels 1 to 8) and have been certified as having a permanent and substantial disability preventing walking or making it very difficult
  • are awarded tariff 6 of the Permanent Mental Disorder of the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme

If someone does not automatically qualify, they may still be entitled to a Blue Badge if they are over two years of age, and they:

  • have a permanent and substantial disability which means they cannot walk or walking is very difficult
  • have a terminal illness which limits mobility
  • cannot plan or follow any journey without someone else’s help, which may include people with autism, Alzheimer’s or dementia, stroke survivors, learning difficulties, head injuries
  • have a severe disability in both arms making it very difficult or impossible to operate parking equipment like parking meters, and they drive regularly

This is not an exhaustive list of applicable conditions.

Also, a child under three will qualify if they have a medical condition that means they must always be:

  • accompanied by bulky medical equipment which cannot be carried around with the child without difficulty
  • near a vehicle to access life-saving medical treatment, or that they can be taken quickly in the vehicle to where such treatment can be given

You are ineligible if:

  • you do not meet the above criteria
  • you have a temporary disability unlikely to last at least 12 months which is not substantial such as a broken leg
  • you only experience walking problems when carrying objects, such as shopping
  • your condition does not continuously and severely limit your ability to walk

Apply, re-apply or replace

You or someone with power of attorney over you will need to agree to the declaration.

When you apply, you will need to provide:

  • a recent passport standard photograph
  • proof of address
  • proof of benefits if you get any
  • proof of identity
  • supporting evidence of eligibility
  • the details of any current Blue Badge
  • your National Insurance number, if possible

In addition, you will have to provide evidence detailing your circumstances. The evidence can be submitted online when completing your application, or it can be sent via email.

Your renewal will be classed as either automatic, discretionary or cognitive. Temporary applicants who need to reapply would be given a discretionary application.

You may be eligible for a temporary 12 month blue badge if you are recovering from, or awaiting treatment for serious illnesses or injuries. Your disability will be temporary but substantial and likely to last at least 12 months.

Find more information about temporary badges in the ‘Who is eligible for a blue badge?’ on the Welsh Government website.

A Blue Badge is not a licence to park anywhere. If you park where it would cause an obstruction or danger to other road users, you could be fined or have your vehicle removed. In many locations, parking is prohibited under any circumstances. Consequently, you should check about local arrangements.

For further details please refer to the Welsh Government’s guide to Blue Badge holders’ rights and responsibilities. You would have received this document when you received your Blue Badge.

Blue Badges can be misused in several ways. The following lists include offenses of varying severity, and are not exhaustive.

A Blue Badge holder must not:

  • use an out of date Blue Badge
  • use a Blue Badge reported lost or stolen
  • let a friend or relative use the Blue Badge
  • use a copied Blue Badge
  • alter a Blue Badge’s details such as the expiry date
  • make a fraudulent application such as providing false information on the application form
  • make multiple applications
  • use a fraudulently obtained Blue Badge

A third party must not:

  • use someone else’s Blue Badge without the badge holder being in the vehicle for the trip’s entire duration under any circumstances
  • use a blue badge to pick up someone’s prescription/shopping and so on, without the badge holder being in the vehicle for the trip’s entire duration
  • use a Blue Badge belonging to someone who has passed away
  • copy, alter or make Blue Badges
  • use a lost or stolen Blue Badge
  • use a fake Blue Badge

If a badge holder passes away, please return the badge to us at the below address, as well as attaching a note outlining the reason for the return:

Address: Customer Service Centre, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB
Telephone: 01656 643643
Telephone: SMS for deaf and hard of hearing customers 07581 157014
Email Address:
Text relay: Put 18002 before any of our phone numbers
Opening Times 1: Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm
Opening Times 2: Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm

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