Parking enforcement

We are responsible for enforcing on-street parking and car park rules, except in private car parks. Traffic wardens can issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) for vehicles breaching the parking rules. We are responsible for enforcing:

  • bus stops and clearways
  • controlled parking areas
  • council car parks
  • disabled parking bays
  • pay and display bays
  • pedestrian crossings and zig zag markings, which police are also responsible for
  • residents’ parking bays
  • schools’ yellow zigzags marking
  • tactile dropped kerbs
  • taxi ranks
  • yellow lines

The police deal with:

  • dropped kerbs or vehicle crossovers, including obstruction issues
  • moving traffic offences
  • obstructions of highways
  • pavement parking

Appeal a PCN

If you disagree with the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN), you can find out how to appeal on the Wales Penalty Processing website:


Penalties halve if you pay within 14 days.

High rate £70
Low rate £50

If your appeal is unsuccessful, you can use The Traffic Penalty Tribunal service. This is an independent service that carries out all final appeals for PCNs. Their decision is final and binding. The adjudicator will look at all the facts given by both us and you. Being completely independent, they will make a decision based only on the facts provided.

There are still options available to you even if your parking charge case has been passed on to a Bailiff (Enforcement Agents).

If your case has been passed on to Bailiff’s it is now too late to appeal the circumstances of the ticket.

You can:

  • pay the enforcement agent (Bailiff) the full amount.
  • ask for a payment plan with the Bailiff (if you default on a payment plan extra costs may be owed).
  • contact the Traffic Enforcement Centre (TEC) on 03001231059 and ask to give an out of time witness statement - you can only give this statement if procedures have not been followed correctly.

Contacting the Traffic Enforcement Centre (TEC)

If you want to take option 3 and contact the TEC, a TE7/ TE9 form will be sent to you. Only when you return this form to the TEC and tell the council can the case be put on hold with the enforcement agent until the matter has been dealt with.

On the TE7/ TE9 form, you must tick one of four options to show that procedures have not been followed correctly. If you are submitting a TE7/ TE9 form to TEC, please supply as much information and evidence as possible regarding your circumstances, to allow them to consider your reasons.

Possible outcomes

There are two outcomes when submitting a TE7/ TE9 form. The TEC will either hand the case back to the bailiff to continue to recover the outstanding money owed for the parking ticket, or the case will be returned to the council to deal with you directly.

If you are not happy with the result of your TE7/ TE9 decided by TEC, you have 14 days from the date on their letter to you, to ask for a review of your case by a district judge. A charge will apply if you want your case reviewed.

If you take no action, additional costs will be incurred and your vehicle maybe clamped and towed to a pound, or goods will be recovered from your property to cover the value of the debt outstanding.


  • park safely
  • park in the permitted spaces provided
  • check signs for time limits, as these can vary, while remembering signs can be further away if the area is in a controlled parking zone
  • leave within the time limit
  • use and display your disabled person's badge as instructed by the blue badge book
  • load and unload as quickly as possible
  • look at the road markings before parking
  • read the highway code to refresh your memory of the markings’ meanings
  • be aware waiting restrictions apply to the whole of the highway including verges and pavements
  • display all pay and display tickets correctly


  • park on double yellow lines, and only park on single yellow lines at permitted times
  • park in disabled bays without showing a valid disabled blue badge
  • park in resident permit bays without displaying a valid permit for that location
  • cause an obstruction
  • park or stop on bus stops or clearways even to pick up or drop off passengers
  • park or stop on zig zag lines leading to or from pedestrian crossings
  • park or wait in taxi ranks
  • park or wait where loading restrictions are in place
  • park or stop on school zigzag markings even momentarily to pick up or drop off

We can only enforce parking rules if a valid Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is in place. TROs can be viewed under the TRO Library on the Traffic Penalty Tribunal's website.
Please be aware that newly introduced TROs may take a little time to appear in the library.
The front bonnet of patrol car ‘Roly Patroly’ which shows the council’s logo, a traffic camera sign and the words ‘Parking Enforcement Vehicle’.

Roly Patroly

Since August 2018 a camera car named ‘Roly Patroly’ has reduced illegal parking in Bridgend County Borough.

Although mainly used to patrol outside schools, the car also issues PCNs to vehicles seen stopped on:

  • bus stops
  • pedestrian crossings
  • taxi ranks
  • where loading/unloading restrictions are in force
Our camera car’s PCNs will be posted to the registered keeper once the DVLA has provided these details.

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