Street parties, play streets and non-commercial events on the highway

If you are planning to hold a party or a non-commercial event on a public highway for example a fun run, play street or a small community event, you may need to apply for a road closure.

  • If the event location is on council-owned land or involves a street / highway, get in touch with the local authority as soon as possible.
  • The council will support applications for a road closure to enable an event to be held as long as the location is suitable for such an event – for example, a cul-de-sac or a minor road with a low level of traffic.
  • Some roads must remain open e.g. bus routes or for emergency access. Public highways that are classed at A, B or C roads are not suitable for closure applications. If you are applying for events on these roads you will need to engage with the streetworks team in plenty of time before the event date - Minimum 54 days. You will also need to seek advise from ESAG team.

Before you apply

Before you apply for a road closure, there are some things you will need to consider:

  • Applications will need to demonstrate that residents within the street are supportive of the road closure. A designated organiser who is fully responsible for the street party and closure should be named along with their contact details. We will expect a list of those persons contacted who are both supportive and non-supportive of the closure. For non-supportive residents you will need to consider their concerns, and identify them in the application.

  • The designated organiser will need to provide details showing that a risk assessment has been completed, and that appropriate measures are in place to safely close the road, restrict traffic access for public safety and adequately maintain the closure for the duration of the event.

  • As a private party, under licensing regulations you will not need a licence to sell food unless you want to only sell hot food and drink after 11pm. Agreeing with neighbours to bring food to share at the event is a good way to bring different groups of people together.

  • If you want a paying bar, intend to provide entertainment to the wider public or charge a fee to raise money for your event, you will need a Temporary Event Notice for which there is a fee and a required notice period of at least 10 working days. If your event is likely to involve more than 500 people, you will require a Premises Licence.

  • For small residential street parties, public liability insurance is recommended, but is not absolutely essential. However, it would be a good idea to consider it for larger organised events – for more advice about this, visit

  • Consider whether someone is available at your event who is trained and equipped to provide First Aid. If the event is likely to create noise, please let neighbours and businesses in the area know in advance and provide them with the organiser’s contact details in case of any problems.Please be aware that temporary fixtures such as bouncy castles, fairground rides etc. and gazebos are not allowed to be placed on a public highway.

  • Don’t forget, you will need to clean up after your street party to help keep your local area clean and tidy. Let people know in advance what time the party will finish, and have a section set aside for bin bags and recycling.

Apply for a road closure

Road closure applications that meet the first two points need to be submitted as early as possible, but no later than 10 working days before an event takes place.

While there is no charge for applying for a temporary road closure, all applications must be submitted by 10 working days before the date of the planned event.

To apply, please complete an application form and return to:

Events Safety Advisory Group

The Event Safety Advisory Group (ESAG) gives advice and guidance to organisers on safety related aspects of their planned event.

The ESAG considers the requirements of large-scale public events with more than 500 expected attendees. Smaller events may also require the involvement of ESAG depending on the event.

To find out more and to see if you need to let ESAG know about your event, please visit our Organising an Event page.

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