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Additional Learning Needs
Information and advice for parents/carers and young people about ALN, the new ALN system and what these changes will mean for children, young people and their families.
The Welsh Government is changing the way that children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) will be supported. The new system defines SEN as Additional Learning Needs (ALN). The new law for supporting children and young people with ALN will bring about several main changes that will make the process simpler and more transparent for all involved.
Getting support: a step-by-step guide
- Speak to your child’s teacher - If you think that your child has Additional Learning Needs (ALN) talk to your child’s teacher or ALN Coordinator (ALNCo).
- Create an Individual Development Plan (IDP) together - If the school agrees with you that your child has ALN, the school will work with you and your child to create an IDP.
- Discuss and concerns with the school, or local authority - If the school does not agree that your child has ALN, or you are dissatisfied with your child’s IDP, discuss it with the school or local authority
- You can have access to an advocate - If the local authority agrees with the school but you are still unhappy, they can point you to independent advocacy services
- You have a right to appeal - All children and your people and their parents or carers have the right to appeal against decisions to the Education Tribunal of Wales (ETW)
Early Years Additional Learning Needs Officer (EYALNLO)
The role of the EYALNLO is to work with parents, early years settings, health professionals and others who may be working with children below compulsory school age, to raise awareness of the additional learning needs (ALN) system and to promote early intervention.
The EYALNLO has responsibility for co-ordinating the local authority’s role in relation to children under compulsory school age who are not attending maintained schools.