Assessment report

Your assessment report will include:

  • history of the local authority’s involvement, and what has happened for you to consider becoming a special guardian
  • information about the child or children including their education, health, development, and their wishes and feelings
  • information about their parents and direct or extended family members and their wishes and feelings
  • recommendation in relation to contact
  • information about you as a prospective special guardian
  • your experience of being parented
  • how you parented your own children or others, if applicable
  • your ability to meet their needs, keep children safe and care for them until they are 18
  • information about the local authority and the assessor responsible for completing the report
  • medical information from your GP and information from your medical advisor if you are a foster carer
  • Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) information which will show your suitability as a prospective special guardian
  • the merits of making a Special Guardianship order
  • information from three personal references only one of whom can be a family member


Telephone: 01656 642674

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