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Welsh language

We are committed to treating Welsh and English on an equal basis when carrying out our public business. Additionally, we are dedicated to helping to raise the profile of the language and culture to residents and employees.


The Welsh Language Standards

Our compliance document which was issued by the Welsh Language Commissioner in 2015 details the 171 standards that we are required to comply with.

By 30 March 2016, we had to comply with 144 standards, and a remaining 27 standards by 30 September 2016. The standards cover five themes:

  • service provision
  • policy making
  • operations
  • promotion
  • record keeping

This document details how we intend to comply with the standards.

We will publish our Welsh language assessment forms for our public education courses annually. 


Welsh language annual reports

Our annual reports cover our compliance with the Welsh Language Standards:

Hard copies of these reports are also available at our Customer Contact Centre.


Five year strategy

Our five year strategy describes how we will aim to raise the profile of the Welsh language and culture with our residents and our employees. Read our strategy online or in hard copy at the Customer Contact Centre.


Welsh language complaints

We have updated our corporate complaints policy to note how we deal with Welsh language complaints. View our full complaints policy.


Consultation, Engagement and Equalities
Telephone: 01656 643643
Address: Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB.

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