Publication scheme
We publish a range of information and documents on council matters.
This section contains:
- organisational information
- locations and contacts
- constitutional information
- legal governance
Councillors and elected representatives
This section contains financial information relating to:
- projected and actual income and expenditure
- tendering
- procurement
- contracts
Budget book and approved capital programme
This section has:
- strategy and performance information
- plans
- assessments
- inspections
- reviews
Bridgend Public Services Board Wellbeing Plan
Local Transport Plan 2015 to 2030
The current written protocols we have for delivering our functions and responsibilities.
Private Sector Housing Renewal and Disabled Adaptations Policy
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
Home to School Transport Policy 2017 to 2018
Play Sufficiency Assessment and Action Plan
Western Bay Health and Social Care Programme, Annual Report
Performance Management Framework
Meeting information and minutes for Bridgend Public Service Board
Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales inspection reports
Critical Incident Policy and Procedure
This section contains:
- proposals for changes to policy
- decision making processes
- internal criteria and procedures
- consultations
This section has information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to our functions.
This section has:
- advice and guidance
- booklets and leaflets
- transactions
- media releases