Supplementary Planning Guidance

This planning guidance has been created to provide details on policies and proposals in the Bridgend Local Development Plan (LDP).

This guides the public, applicants and developers when making planning applications.

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) covers a range of issues including:

  • detailed design considerations
  • section 106 obligations
  • information requirements that we use to determine a planning application

Some Supplementary Planning Guidance documents take the form of development briefs. These can tell you the vision for the planning of an area, and show the principles that should be followed in its development.

This guidance does not have full statutory status under the Town and Country Planning Act. However, it has 'material consideration' when determining planning applications and appeals within the relevant topic/land-use area and will be afforded 'substantial weight' in both our planning decisions and that of the Welsh Government and Planning Inspectorate in Wales.

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