Land charges

Land charges are an obligation on the current or future owner of the land to comply with a charge. These could be:

  • conditions imposed in any planning permissions that have been granted
  • protected trees that must not be damaged
  • monies owed to third parties
  • restrictions on permitted development

All land charges come with their own obligations and it is important to be aware of any that affect the property you are looking to purchase.

Land searches

Before you buy land or a property, you may need to request a Local Land Charges search. This is also known as a local authority search or a land search. This will show any relevant information we hold, such as:

  • whether the land has any land charges on it
  • a full copy of the planning history
  • details about any public highways, such as roads, footpaths or bridleways in the area

A solicitor, licensed conveyancer or personal search company usually applies for a search to be made, but private individuals or organisations can also do this.

To request a land search:

  1. Fill in the relevant local land charges form(s). You can purchase the forms via an NLIS channel
  2. Ensure that a good quality, up to date Ordnance Survey location plan (scale 1/1250) is submitted with the boundary of the property duly edged in red (and includes an OS licence number and acknowledgement).
  3. Send them to us using the contact details at the bottom of this page. If you send them by post, please include two copies of all documents.

Once we receive the forms, we will contact you to organise payment.

You should receive the search results within 15 working days. We do not carry out searches any faster. The searches that arrive at our offices sooner will be processed sooner.

If you have not received your search results after 15 working days, please contact us using the contact details at the bottom of this page.

The cut-off point for accepting new searches each day is 10.30am. If we receive your search request after this time we will begin processing it the following working day.

Land search forms

These forms can either be submitted together or separately. For example, if there is just one question on the CON29O that you would like answered there is no need to submit a full search. We will still require a plan.

If there is anything else you want to know about the land that isn't revealed as standard, you can ask additional questions of your own.

The LLC1 is a search of the land register. The land register is a record of all the land charges that are currently in effect within the borough. It should not be confused with the land registry. It can include financial charges, listed buildings, conservation areas and planning applications that have been approved with conditions.

Privacy notice: We will use the information you provide in this form to process your application for a Local Authority Search (LLC1). We will not share any of the information you provide with any third party unless we are required to do so by law. We will keep this information for 12 years.

The CON29 is a set list of questions that are answered by various departments within the council and the highways authority.

A breakdown of all the questions can be found on page 2 of the CON29 form.

Guidance notes on the CON29 form can be found on the Law Society website.

Privacy notice: We will use the information you provide in this form to process your application for a Local Authority Search (CON29). We will share this information with Building Control, Environmental Services and Public Protection. We will keep this information for 12 years.

There is also a list of optional questions called the CON29O.

A breakdown of these questions can be found on page 2 of the CON29O form. 

Guidance notes on the CON29O form can be found on the Law Society website. 

Privacy notice: We will use the information you provide in this form to process your application for a Local Authority Search (CON29O). We will share this information with Environmental Services and Public Protection. We will keep this information for 12 years.


Payment will be taken for any search that has been submitted to the Local Land Charges team.

If you wish to cancel the search once processing has commenced, a cancellation fee will apply.

National Land Information Service

The National Land Information Service (NLIS) provides electronic access to all the official sources of land and property information across the whole of England and Wales.

You can submit Local Authority searches online.

Registers available for public viewing

You can inspect most statutory public registers and Registers of Local Common Land and Town and Village Greens by booking an appointment. 

We do not charge any fees for information provided as part of a personal search.

If you require information that is not immediately available from our planning reception, please send a plan and address/description of the land to us. The departments that hold the information will respond to you directly.

To book an appointment, please contact:

Address: Land Charges, Bridgend County Borough Council, Waterton Depot, Waterton Lane, Bridgend, CF31 3YP
Opening Times 1: Wednesday: 9am - 5pm

You will need to contact the Highways team for the Public Rights of Way register.

Land charge documents

If you need copies of any land charge documents, please contact us.

There is a fee of £18.70 per document.

Address: Land Charges, Bridgend County Borough Council, Waterton Depot, Waterton Lane, Bridgend, CF31 3YP
Opening Times 1: Wednesday: 9am - 5pm

A to Z Search

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